

I'm Kate and this is where I share and celebrate life's little pleasures. I am a career-loving mama, who loves to travel and is often in the kitchen. I'm married to my best friend Sam, and we are raising our little one, George, in London.

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Peppermint Crisp Tart

Peppermint Crisp Tart

Let’s be honest. The easier the recipe, the better. And if that recipe is a dessert, all the better still. Given this tart requires only four ingredients, this is about as good as it can get.

Peppermint Crisp Tart hails from South Africa, and has been a total crowd pleaser throughout generations of our family who have lived there. My brother and I regularly requested it throughout our teenage years as our favoured birthday cake (I know, I know it’s not a cake but that goes to show how good it tastes!) Friends would appear as if on cue at our front door if they knew there was one hiding in the fridge. It has become something of a family legend and typically kept for special celebrations.

Things were pretty stressful for a few days when George dropped a bit far below his birthweight. When he regained what little chub he was born with after an intense feeding plan, we were in need of a little celebration.

Thankfully our recent move to Earlsfield meant we were in a southern hemisphere melting pot with the key ingredient, Peppermint Crisp chocolate bars, easy to come by in one of the local South African grocers. Provided you can get your hands on them, I promise that this dessert provides the best ROI in terms of effort to taste you will ever have. Traditionally this is made using plain wine biscuits, but I find that a bit too sweet so I have used plain digestive biscuits instead.

We devoured it alongside a well-earned glass of champagne (oh, how I have missed you and your sweet bubbles!) I cannot recommend this recipe more, and please let me know if you try it out.

20 minutes prep, overnight refrigeration


  • 1 x packet of plain digestive biscuits
  • 500ml double cream
  • 1 x can (397 ml) of caramel condensed milk
  • 5 x peppermint crisp chocolate bars (available at most South African shops)


1. Whip up the double cream so that stiff peaks form, but do not over-whip. The biscuits need to absorb the cream mixture to soften, so anything too solid can result in the dessert being a tad dry.

2. In a separate bowl, empty out the condensed milk and stir until smooth.

3. Break up three of the bars into fine shards, and stir in with the condensed milk.

4. Add the condensed milk mixture to the cream and slowly combine.

5. Line a shallow lasagne-sized casserole dish with a layer of digestive biscuits.

6. Spread half the cream mixture over them, covering well.

7. Add another layer of the biscuits on-top, followed by the rest of the cream mixture.

8. Break up the remaining two bars, and sprinkle shards evenly over the top.

9. Leave in the fridge for at least six hours, or ideally overnight. 

With Love, Kate

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