

I'm Kate and this is where I share and celebrate life's little pleasures. I am a career-loving mama, who loves to travel and is often in the kitchen. I'm married to my best friend Sam, and we are raising our little one, George, in London.

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The Weekly Five

The Weekly Five

Happy Friday! We've got a relaxed weekend planned featuring a French bread-baking course (très exciting) and catching up with our local baby friends. What about you?

Here are my five discoveries from the week...

1) Snooping round other people’s houses

Open House London  is exactly what it says on the tin. You know those times when you’re walking down the streets of Belgravia, peeking into mansions with glittering chandeliers and wondering what the rest of the place looks like? Clear your calendars for the weekend of the 16th & 17th of September now and start planning your route.

2) The toy that grows up with baby

My Mum very kindly bought this set of  wheels for George. You can keep re-using them as his demand for a bigger box grows with him. Genius.

3) A visual delight

I get such pleasure from Instagram accounts that showcase creative and unique ideas. Stephen McMennamy's surreal compositions from everyday life are so clever. Be prepared to scroll forever.

4) Our favourite onesie

I shared some of my favourite brands earlier this week [read more here], including the Bonds Wondersuit. We have just bought a couple more suits for George (we may have a slight addiction over here), and I’m in love with the bold designs.

5) The benefits of going gender-free

I didn’t quite appreciate the benefits of going ‘gender-free’ in the classroom until watching the BBC's 'No More Boys and Girls' series. Don’t miss it. A class in the Isle of Wight implement some pretty simple changes (such as increasing the storybook collection to include female superheroes, getting boys to take up sewing), and the results were astounding. Pro-social behaviour from boys increased by 57%, and girls’ confidence by 12% after a few weeks. It also made us realise the importance of showing George that girls can be strong and do anything from running a country to being an astronaut. We're off to a bookstore this weekend to build his collection of awesome female leads.

Have a wonderful weekend all!

With Love,


Summer Berry Trifle

Summer Berry Trifle

Dressing Baby

Dressing Baby